Sunday, 17 January 2016

Let it Snow?

Hi everyone!

Well, its's a snowing Sunday in the UK!

It's funny because when I was a child, I used to pray for it to snow because it meant snow ball fights, building snowmen (or snow women to be politically correct! Lol), getting my coat soaking wet when I made snow angels and sledging.

Now, as an adult, that excitement has gone and has been replaced with praying my car will start in the morning and dreading going out into the cold.

At least the cold weather isn't being wasted as I am now on chapter 8 of Love Bite and will be doing a few more author interviews and guest posts before the end of the month.

I was a little bit lazy yesterday and opted to relax a little and watch, Who Framed Roger Rabbit (I haven't seen it in years!) but I have hidden my DVD collection today, got my playlist ready and will be knuckling down today to try and get some of the tasks ticked off on my writing schedule.

So, that's all for now!

I should be posting the new chapter of Love Bite on Wattpad tomorrow, so if you want to know what happens to Luci when she is ejected from the deadly vortex, then give it a read and please show your support by leaving a comment and / or vote so the story can move up the Wattpad search pretty please.

Happy reading guys! :-)

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