Thursday, 31 December 2015

2016 | Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! (I thought I would post this early,  before I go and celebrate the start of a new year)

I hope 2016 brings you everything 2015 didn't, along with lots more positive outcomes to look forward to!

I am trying to start 2016 by being more focused on my main passion (writing), which means I need to get organised and get back to writing and ticking off items on my endless lists! lol

I always love to create lists!

Whether it be notes for planning my next novel or just something to keep me focused and this year is no different.

2015 was a year of many highs and many lows, which is why I have only made three new years resolutions that I hope are realistic and attainable:

1) Write everything week without fail

2) Keep updating my social media sites regularly

3) Take time out to enjoy some of my hobbies and do not waste time and money on non productive things

In the past, my new years resolutions used to be unrealistic and within the first week of January I used to feel disheartened because I couldn't keep up with the strict diet plan I set or be bothered to attend the gym, I had paid an excessive deposit for.

Which is why my theory long as I work hard this year, remain focused on my goals and invest my time and energy into those who support and love me, I can't go wrong in 2016! (I hope! Lol).

Happy 2016 guys and let me know some of your new year resolutions???

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

YouTube Book Trailers

Hello my magical friends!

I have decided to start afresh with my YouTube channel and, with the new platform, I am also in the process of creating new book trailers for Split Blood: The Ancient Codex - Part One and Split Blood - Rise of the Wolf.

I will continue to produce book trailers for future books, just before I publish them on Amazon and Smashwords, and will keep you all informed of new trailers and book news on this blog.

So, please subscribe to this blog for up-to-date news on upcoming books, interviews, guest posts, tours and all information relating to my YA fantasy work.

Please click on the link below to my YouTube channel and support me by Subscribing to find out more information on my book trailers, my favourite movies and my personalised playlists (a list of songs that help me find inspiration for my scenes and characters in my stories).

Thank you for the support and have a great day / night! :-)

Author Interview by Ms. ME28 Blog

Hi everyone!

I have found the last few days very odd because it's like there is a slump period between Christmas and New Years Eve, where no one really knows what day it is, what to eat or what to do, so I'm glad I have had these fun interviews and guest posts to concentrate on!

Luckily, I have had the opportunity to do an Author Interview with Myra at the Ms. ME28 blog and had so much fun revealing more information about my work, my interests and my upcoming book.

Click here to find out more about my inspirations, my background, my upcoming book and much more...

I would like to say a big thank you to Myra at the Ms.ME28 Blog for the opportunity and I hope to work with her further in the future.

Hope you all enjoy it!

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Author Interview by the Reading for the Heck of it Blog

Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope your all having a fun time, enjoying the festivities and over indulging like myself! lol

I have had an extra special Christmas treat and had the opportunity to do an Author Interview with Alicea at the Reading for the Heck of it Blog.

Click here to find out more about my books, was I good at English at school, more about Split Blood 3 and much more...

I would like to say a big thank you to Alicea at the Reading for the Heck of it Blog for the opportunity and I hope to work with her further in the future.

Hope you all enjoy it! 

Happy Holidays!

Over Indulgence during the festive season, Thundercats and my YouTube Channel!

Merry Christmas my Mythical friends! 

I hope you had a great day with your friends and / or family!

Well it’s the day after Boxing Day in the cold UK and I have eaten so much, I'm barely able to type! :-)

I'm currently sat on the sofa trying to educate my 16-year-old nephew in the brilliance that was Thundercats but he cannot appreciate the cheesy 80s magnificence and there is nothing I can say to convince him how amazing it was and still is! :-(

Although I have been very lazy this week, I have looked at the YouTube channel and decided it needs a revamp and I definitely will be creating a new trailer for Split Blood: The Ancient Codex - Part One and Split Blood: Rise of the Wolf.

I have decided not to do one for The Orcus Games trilogy because they are novella's and due to the vast range of mythical characters in the stories, it would take longer, than the books in the Split Blood series, in makeup and special effects.

I will post the updates on here as soon as I do them and please follow my YouTube channels for information on Book Trailers, Interviews and all other media and video related news.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Heroine's Vs. Damsels in Distress Guest Post on Tome Tender

Hey Magical Friends,

This will be my last Guest Post before Christmas because I have decided to take a break from all writing activities to spend some time with my family and friends (and to refresh my creative juices!).

I want to say a big thank you to Dianne at the Tome Tender blog for giving me the opportunity to discuss my views on heroine's vs damsels in distress in YA books.

I enjoyed looking back at my favourite childhood books and looking at these stories in more detail to see what influenced me to make Faith, and the other female characters, have the strong personality traits that they do in the Split Blood series.

Please check it out for more information and support the blogger by following on her blog and social media sites please because without the support, these bloggers cannot continue to bring us great reviews and articles.

Thanks guys and have a great Christmas!

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Social Media

I love communicating with readers, fans, bloggers and fellow authors via social media and would love to hear from you!

Whether it be information about my books, a general chatty about mutual interests or just to say "hi" then please do not hesitate to connect on here, Facebook, Twitter, Wattpad or LinkedIn!

Social Media Sites

Guest Posts

Every author needs a break from writing their latest piece of work but sometimes you still want to write and this is my way of taking a break.

I love communicating with readers, fans and bloggers and enjoy discussing other topics related to writing besides my own work and taking part in Guest Posts is the ideal way for me to touch upon topics that get me thinking and may have affected the self-publishing process for me.

Whether it be how I became a self published author to discussing female characters in YA books and are they all prone to be saved by the broody hero - I like to delve into a wide range of topics.

You can find these topics and more in the Guest Posts below and should you have an opinion or just want to say "hi", please do not hesitate to leave a comment.

NOTE: Please support these bloggers by following their blogs and social media sites because without the support, these bloggers cannot continue to bring us great reviews and articles.

Guest Posts

Author Interviews

I love communicating with readers, fans and bloggers and when I am not writing I enjoy taking part in Author Interviews to allow everyone to find out about the person behind the books.

I enjoy discussing my work, interests, inspirations and everything else that makes me tick and love nothing more than to discuss my hobbies (such as; horror movies, Anime, 80s Fantasy films, music and lots more!).

If you want to find out more about myself, please do not hesitate to click on the links below and even comment and I will try to get back to you ASAP.

I also love horror films and Anime recommendations!

NOTE: Please support these bloggers by following their blogs and social media sites because without the support, these bloggers cannot continue to bring us great reviews and articles.

Author Interviews

Monday, 21 December 2015

Self-Publishing: The Ups and Downs Guest Post by the Howling Turtle Blog

Hey there my Magical Friends!

I have changed direction for the moment and have had the opportunity to do a Guest Post on The Howling Turtle blog.

I would like to send a big thank you to Larissa for giving me the opportunity to do this interesting project and I hope to work with her further in the future.

I chose to discuss my experiences as a self-published author and the ups and downs I have encountered, along with offering some basic advice to those who are thinking about publishing their own book.

From talking about why I started writing to the negative aspects of self-publishing (my experiences), I have shared my thoughts and opinions which will hopefully make some entertaining (and maybe helpful) reading.

Please check it out for more information and support the blogger by following on her blog and social media sites please because without the support, these bloggers cannot continue to bring us great reviews and articles.
Hope you enjoy it guys.

Happy Holidays.

Author Interview by The Book Junkie Blog

Hey Magical Friends!

I have had the opportunity to do a Christmas Themed Author Interview on The Book Junkie blog and it was great to get into the Christmas spirit as well as reveal more about myself and my work.

Click Here to read the Author Interview on The Book Junkie Blog

Click here to find out more about my books, what I was like in high school, my upcoming book and what the main character for the upcoming book would like as an ideal Christmas present.

A big thank you to Laura at The Book Junkie blog for the opportunity and I hope to work with her further in the future.

Hope you enjoy it!

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Baking Breaks!

Hey everyone,

Although, I have been participating in some Author Interviews, I have also completed a few more pages of Split Blood 3, however 'Debbie the Doubtful Dragon' appeared on my shoulder and made me rethink half of the pages!

I think I've been on overload for the past few weeks because I've been trying to fit my writing in with marking all my students work, getting the reports done and attending meetings.

Looking at my writing timetable, I tried to keep up with the schedule but wasn't happy with the quality, so I've decided to have a break until after Xmas and go back to it (I will still do some interviews though).

Unfortunately, I get bored very easily and had to do something so I figured I would do a little baking and after two attempts (I don’t think I could get away with the burnt on the outside and raw on the inside first attempt!), I managed to make the cake below...

It's a marble cake (plain and chocolate sponge swirled together) with a chocolate fudge centre, chocolate fudge frosting, chocolate finger walls and grated white chocolate topping!

Not a cake for the faint hearted but definitely worth a little indulgence at times! ;-)

I'm looking for some more cake ideas because its great to relieve some stress and get your mind refocused, so if you guys have any, feel free to comment below.

Happy Holidays and have a Magical Break! ;-)

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Author Interview by The Ultimate Fan Blog

Happy Holidays my Magical friends!

I hope you are enjoying the pre festive cheer (if you celebrate Christmas) and if you do not celebrate it, I hope you are having a fun time with your nearest and dearest!

I will be posting more tomorrow, however I would just like to give a big thank you to Lisa at The Ultimate Fan Blog for hosting an interview and I look forward to working with her further in the future.

Even though I have participated in a few interviews in the past, it is still quite nerve-racking to answer the questions to make sure I sound sane and am not trying to shove promotional links down the readers throat!

So far, all the interviewers have been amazing giving me direction and great questions to work with so I feel comfortable revealing more about myself and interests, instead of it fully being focused on my books.

I like to show the person behind the writing, so the readers can see where my influences and inspirations come from and I hope I get that across in these interviews.

I also love to speak with fans, new and current readers and bloggers to answer any of their questions and to speak about other interests (e.g. on my previous interview, a reader commented on his mutual interest in Anime and it was great to connect with him about my favourite Anime films and recommend some that he may enjoy).

So, that is all for tonight and I will be back tomorrow.

Stay Magical, Blessed and Happy! :-)

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Author Interview by Books n Pearls Book Blog

Hi guys,

Well I haven't updated for a while because unfortunately I have not found an agent yet therefore I still need to split my time between writing and my day job.

I have been doing author interviews, (along with trying to hash through a few more ideas for 'Split Blood 3' and hope to publish it before April 2016) and have my first one posted today on

Small Book Covers

I have to say a big thank you to Nicole at for the interview and hope to work with her further in the future.

I also have to thank you for all your emails and communication through social media (especially Wattpad) and if I have not replied to you yet, please be patient because I haven't forgotten you, I'm just saving the best till last! ;-)

I also have one or two surprises to come which I hope will enhance your reading experience and allow you to delve deeper into the 'Split Blood World' so I hope your ready!

Other than trying to juggle my writing with my day job, I have been slightly distracted by some great movies that I have recently seen (loving 'Crimson Peaks' but I never doubted I would since it’s from one of my favourite directors!), baking (I have just taken up the hobby and actually love it! It really helped my writers block but did not work out well for my diet! Lol) and my friend's new kitty's (pictures to come as evidence of their cuteness!).

So that's it from me for now.

I'm hoping to get better at updating my social media and will try to update this blog at least once a week!

Stay Mythical and Happy! ;-)

LH :-)

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Split Blood 3

Hello my Mythical Friends,

Well I have been away for a few months trying to clear my Writer's Block (with lots of naughty unhealthy food, which is forbidden on my healthy new diet, and watching new horrors - I especially cannot wait for one of my favourite director's (Guillermo del Toro) film, 'Crimson Peak') and seem to have some success as I am now working on the third novel in the Split Blood YA Urban Fantasy series.

You can expect a lot more information on the following:

  • Witch Faith and her family
  • Faith's sister, Raven and her quest to find her family
  • New mythical characters
  • More about the Elders and the Underworld set up
  • The importance of the Ancient Codex
  • And much more...

I am enjoying writing this book but if I can control my imagination and stop editing it, it will hopefully be published before the end of the year!

So stay tuned and check out the website for new fun YA Fantasy features and on here for up-to-date information on all new works by myself, Louise Herman.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Read a Sample of Chapter One for all Published Books

Hi guys,

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, however I have been concentrating on writing, finding some type of funding to help with self publishing the other books in the Split Blood series and also maintaining my daily life.

I have also updated this blog and changed the website to make it easier to navigate through and find information on each book.

I have also posted samples of chapter one for each book on the website and will do this with future works.

Please click on the links below for samples of Chapter One for each book:

(Book 1 in The Orcus Games Trilogy)

(Book 2 in The Orcus Games Trilogy)

(Book 3 in The Orcus Games Trilogy)


(Book 1 in the Split Blood series)

(Book 2 in the Split Blood series)